The challenge related to finding the right person to work is an extremely timely topic, especially in the context of high migration in Europe caused by the war in Ukraine. About how to help in finding both an employee and an employer thanks to VR Technology, we talk to Radosław Gałka, CEO & Founder of Dig In Vision Sp. z o.o. (Ltd.)

- You have been working in the job placement industry for many years. What significant changes have occurred in the labor market in the past decade?
- What has really changed over the last few years is the employers' approach to investing in staff - nowadays a deeper analysis of the candidate's skills is being carried out, especially in occupations requiring documents confirming qualifications or courses taken. A perfect example are welders who want to work in the Euro zone, must not only provide the required certificates, but also pass exams and practical tests regarding the quality of welds. Companies are ready to pay more for professionals and beware of amateurs who cannot ensure the appropriate standard of the tasks entrusted to them. Initially, on our platform, we posted candidates' CVs along with documentation of their qualifications and photos showing the quality of welding tests performed. Then we introduced the tests recorded in video format, which was greatly appreciated by our partners as they were able to quickly assess the candidate's skills. However, due to the outbreak of the pandemic and the accompanying limitations, and the need to invest in steel used for testing, we decided to go a step further and start a real revolution thanks to VR technology.
- What exactly do you mean?
- We established the Company Dig In Vision, which as a high-tech start-up, offers a VR platform for performing qualification tests for welders in virtual reality in any place in the world.
Using the commercial Oculus Quest 2 VR goggles and a special VR controller in the shape of a welding handle, proprietary software using advanced algorithms automatically assesses the quality of the virtual weld. It is perfect for training, especially in regions where there is no training infrastructure and no certified instructors. After each exercise, the algorithms themselves assess the technique, aesthetics and welding parameters along with the strength of the weld. The final assessment of the welder's skill test and the measured welding parameters are displayed online. Thanks to this, the employer from his desk or smartphone, has a full view of the candidate's skills verified by the algorithm at the virtual workplace. It also completely minimizes the cost of using expensive materials such as steel and gas used in traditional tests. Most importantly, we create a global base of welders, i.e. a large resource of professionals. It can be said that this is a revolution in the system of recruitment of welders globally.
- Who is most interested in applying this technology?
- Initially, we thought that the west, which is broadly understood, will be the main recipient of Dig in Vision. However, what surprised us was the fact that the subject of VR training for welders was almost immediately taken up by foundations and organizations operating in Africa! For that zone, it is a real godsend. It is enough to purchase the equipment for virtual training to practically at no cost, educate professionals who will get a job in Europe thanks to the confirmed skills. It should be remembered that crime and armed conflicts in Africa cost thousands of lives each year. The opportunity to learn a valuable profession, represents the real ticket to building a secure future. Many foundations try to help young people, hence our solution was received with great enthusiasm. Today, "Black Continent" is the main market on which we operate by combining many valuable professional experiences: employment agency, job placement platform and virtual training.

- What, in your opinion, apart from professional skills, should constitute the foundation for successful cooperation between the employee and the employer?
- I think that what connects people in business or, more broadly, in professional life, is trust and respect. I believe that fair settlements and wages adequate to skills, are the timeless principles of coexistence between the staff and management boards of companies. Regardless of where you were born or what nationality you are, it matters whether you have a profession in your hand. Therefore, as a company, we will continue to help potential employees in achieving their professional goals, focusing on cooperation only with honest employers and the same candidates.
- What kind of professions and skills were most valued in the west?
- The most demanded professionals were truck and bus drivers, builders, plumbers and welders. In fact, it was the last of the groups mentioned, that could count on immediate employment and high wages. Usually, even the lack of knowledge of the language was not a barrier, because from a technical point of view, in all over the world, work in the construction sectors is the same.
- Poland Workforce is an employment agency established exactly 16 years ago. What is the genesis of its creation?
- For many years I lived in France, where I graduated and worked in my learned profession, which was a great success at that time. Thanks to this, I got to know the climate and business standards of the country on the Seine. I decided to use it in Poland Workforce, where our business was mainly based on the coordination of hiring and providing employees from the East to Western companies - e.g. German or French.
In 2006, as a country, we were still a young member of the European community. At that time, many people saw a great opportunity to work outside of Poland. Western markets were extremely receptive to manual and technical workers. In fact, every qualified specialist could earn several times more than in his home country. This created an opportunity for companies specializing in job placement. We always, on many levels, support people who travel abroad through our agency. We have created, among others, "Employee's Notebook" containing all the most necessary documents of the country where he is staying, along with the pattern of their completion in a language that he understands.
- Thank you for the interview.
The authors of the text are: Łukasz Bąk and Karolina Grenda STADLER GROUP - Media & Consulting
Original Article from: BUSINESS INSIDER