At Dig In Vision, we constantly have to adapt to the ever changing Virtual Reality trends, which have made us master the art of rapid prototyping of new accessories like the Dig In Vision Welding Gun Adapter. Our products always start with the design thinking process, where we empathize with the end users, define their needs and expectations, by prototyping and implementation. The key part of our design is not stopping at the final product - but constantly listening to our customers’ feedback and implementing their ideas through the iterative design process, to make the experience resemble the actual welding process as best as possible.
All of our rapid prototyping and iterative designs are enabled by additive manufacturing, with the use of biodegradable materials. Additionally, this process allows us to manufacture the accessories independently and with our own resources.
If you wish to know more about the design thinking process, be sure to read Christoph Meinel, Larry Leifer, Hasso Plattner, “Design Thinking: Understand Improve Apply”, Springer 2011.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-13757-0
SOURCE: Dig In Vision